Tuesday, July 26, 2005

First Comment EVER

Congratulations to Slavnik from Romania, for posting the first ever comments on my blog. I don't even know if this dude is real. It's probably just a friend of mine being coy. Either way, I learned some Romanian for you, Slavnik. "La revedére, pui!"
So my good friend Swayze has helped guide me in choosing the future of this blog. I told him I had this real dilemma - do I make this blog reflect my own weird, borderline mental thoughts and dreams, or do I make this think normal-ish and PG-13? And he said "you only go around once."

And I thought, "but you see, the shit that's in my head, it's weird." Look at my first post for evidence. And I can flip on a dime from thinking about monkey beards (why don't they HAVE THEM?) to Civ2 to how good triscuits taste with cream cheese to thinking about the terrible implications of the US political forecast (most notably our reluctance to sign/honor the Kyoto accords and nuclear test ban treaties, our drift towards the Right/neo-conservatism, and our willingness to endorse unilateral military action in conflicts against non-European powers...which makes me envision a world where Asian/European economies develop cutting edge biotech research [stem cells, gene therapy] and alternative energy sources [hydrogen, fusion, pebble bed fission reactors] and then leave us in the dust [because we refuse to change, expecting our military eminance will force people to see our way], thereby forcing our [future] hands as aggressors, because by the time I retire, everyone else will be richer and cleaner than us, and probably giving us a lot of shit about it, and our future generations won't have fought in or seen wars except in games and movies [making them more likely to support military action], so they'll think that going out and kicking ass somewhere will bring back the prominence and glory of the US, but such action really just exacerbates problems and ill-will towards Americans, thereby creating a massive increase in anti-US sentiment and terrorism against US assets worldwide...and I'll be damned if I don't like going to DisneyWorld without having to worry if Donald Duck isn't actually some psycho anti-US nutjob in a ducksuit with C4 wrapped around his fat duck ass.

So anyway the crap I put in here really could scare my wife and parents. It may ruin my future attempts to run for office. Hell, it may increase my chances of getting psycho feedback.

But to Swayze's point - "you only go around once". You're right, buddy. I've decided I'm gonna put whatever I want in this badboy. It's mine. Including this picture of a mean looking Lego brick.

Thanks Swayze. You may have helped shaped the future more than you know.

Monday, July 25, 2005

The Missus and Me. Am I hot or what? Posted by Picasa

I will let my Japanese intern, Ako, post my first entry as I dictate it. I'm a busy fracker, and don't necessarily have time to do this all myself. So, accordingly I trust him to write for me when I get busy. Take it away Ako:

"Welcome to my first post ever! I love having friends and want to show them with kisses like rain! "

"Snaps! Just kidding! I love cheese, you know! How could you, crazy man!"

"My name is Micah and I have choose to join the fad of people putting blogs out for the world to see. How do I know it is being a fad? Because I am no saavy college smarty pants, and yet I have learned how to drive down the information freeway to the new millenium!"

"I hope you stay and enjoy my web, and we will become fast friends! This is my wishness!"

Good boy, Ako. You'll be getting an extra set of socks as a bonus this year. You're the best Japanese intern a boy could ever want.