Thursday, September 29, 2005

Attempt at a link...

Mechanical Intelligent Calculation and Assassination Humanoid

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Blog Spam

I have recently been spammed by apparent fellow bloggers. Check out the comments to my two most recent postings (Georgia Tech's ass whooping and flaming of BAMF)...

The format is something like this:

insert name said...

Hey, you lucky man, you have sweet blog action! I think
I am going to bookmark you! Rock on, kasbah!

I have a cool site of my own, insert hyperlink, you should check it out sometime. It's about insert random subject.

Come and check it out sometime!

That's right spammer, I'll come visit your shitty site. I'll put that right on the list of things to do, right after "wash my scrote" and before "knit some new socks for the kitties".

Frack off blog spammers. Don't bodder me.